Burnout Treatment for Individuals in Toronto & Across Ontario.

Does this sound familiar?…

  • Just the thought of going into work makes you want to cry

  • You feel physically and emotionally exhausted all the time

  • Life feels grey and dull

  • It seems like you have no passion or meaning in life anymore

  • You no longer care what’s going on at work or in the lives of those you care about

  • You’re always thinking “what’s the point?”

You’re not alone

Do You Want to Gain Energy and Experience Freedom Again?

Burnout treatment is possible and therapy is an effective first step towards living a life that feels good again. Burnout can affect many facets of your life that are important to you such as your career, your relationships, your health, and even your ability to function. You don’t have to navigate this experience alone. Burnout treatment will help you identify and manage the underlying causes and stressors - so that you can gain more control and feel less stressed.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a type of unmanaged chronic stress that often relates to the workplace. Burnout can also happen outside of the workplace. Parental or caregiver burnout can occur if you are caregiving and trying to balance multiple roles and responsibilities at once. It involves a state of emotional and physical exhaustion, a reduced sense of personal and professional accomplishment/efficacy, and loss of personal identity. Currently, burnout is not considered a diagnosable psychological disorder.

Burnout Affects Many Canadians.

Did you know that about three-quarters (78%) of Canadians say they’ve been burned out at some point of their career and 35% say they’re currently experiencing burnout?

It would be fair to say that when most people feel overworked, under-appreciated, or overloaded with their job and personal responsibilities, it takes a lot of effort and determination to get up in the morning and go to work. But if it feels like you are in a constant, seemingly never-ending battle between choosing to stay in bed or going to work, it might be burnout.

You don’t have to take on the weight of the world, therapy is a place to offload the pressure and collaborate on ways to move forward towards peace.

What are the Symptoms of Burnout?

There are 3 key symptoms associated with burnout:

1) Emotional exhaustion

2) Diminished professional achievement

3) Depersonalization.

These symptoms can come up all at once, or creep up on you little-by-little over time.

Emotional exhaustion can feel like you are being drained of all energy, feeling irritated and snappy, or short-tempered. You might also be experiencing a decline in productivity, trouble sleeping, and feeling numb. You might feel like you have no control or power over your life, and “trapped” in your work.

Having a feeling of diminished professional achievement might look like a decline in feeling competent at work and feeling like you aren’t achieving anything successful at work. It could feel almost as if no matter what you do at work, it will never be good enough.  

Depersonalization could manifest itself as a feeling of detachment. You might not be feeling much and seems like you can’t connect with your feelings/thoughts/emotions or engage with the feelings of others. Sometimes you might feel like you’re on “autopilot” at work and aren’t fully present in the moment with tasks. Lastly, you might even be feeling a sense of cynicism towards your work and those around you.

What is Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma?

Helping professions such as doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, firefighters and paramedics play a vital role in keeping the people in our communities healthy, safe, and supported. Because of some of the dangerous, challenging, and emotionally demanding situations they face on a regular basis, they are at an increased risk of developing job burnout, as well as other conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), compassion fatigue (mental and physical exhaustion as a result of seeing suffering and trauma), and vicarious trauma (a form of indirect trauma that can change the way you see the world).

Can Therapy for Burnout Help Me?

If you’re burned out, you will most likely experience common symptoms such as numbness and exhaustion. This can make it 10x harder to identify where to start towards finding relief. A trained therapist will walk alongside you and help you challenge negative thoughts, identify things that are in your control, process challenging experiences, and help you reconnect your mind and body so you can feel more present, feel happy emotions, and enjoy activities again.

With time, you can develop the skills you need to identify when you’re burnt out and develop effective coping strategies to make sure you’re making space for yourself and feel freedom again. This can look like practicing boundary setting, assertive communication skills, and self-care activities.

What are the Best Therapy Treatments for Burnout?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Learn about the causes of stress and burnout.

  • Identify and manage factors that are contributing to your burnout

  • Notice and challenge unhelpful thoughts and beliefs that may be contributing to burnout.

  • Develop and practice new work-related skills (ex. assertive communication, boundary setting, advocacy, time management, communicating needs).

  • Identify your personal/professional values and cultivate meaning and purpose again.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

  • Practice mindfulness skills to help you manage stress.

  • Practice emotional regulation so you can feel in control of your emotions and responses.

  • Identify and release sources of pressure so you can feel lighter and more free.

  • Explore and redefine what failure and success look like to you.

  • Find effective new ways to practice self-care and recharge your batteries.

Somatic Therapy (Body Focused)

  • Relieve physical and emotional symptoms relating to chronic stress and burnout.

  • Feel more present and grounded in your body and feel more in control.

  • Improve sleep and the ability to relax and unwind.

  • Rewire your brain to find peace and calm faster than before.

  • Restore the balance between your body and mind and increase your resilience (the ability to bounce back from tough times). 

Questions About Burnout Treatment?

Is Online Therapy for Burnout Treatment Worth It?

Therapy for burnout treatment is a powerful tool that can help you gain control and relief from your symptoms. Many people who are struggling with burnout have found great results as it’s a research-backed and supported way to get results and reach your goals. Online therapy is a private, confidential, and effective way to reach your goals and has been extensively researched and supported with significantly beneficial results (and it can be done from the comfort of your own home and fit your busy schedule!). At Me Again Collective, we have extensive training and clinical experience successfully treating burnout. Your therapist will work alongside you to make sure you get your needs met and practice the skills you need to feel freedom and fulfilment.

How Will I Know That I’m Healing and Recovering from Burnout?

Everyone’s journey with burnout will look different. Same goes for the recovery process. Typically, clients start to feel relief after the first or second month of treatment. Depending on your symptoms, you may find you have more energy, feel more in control, feel less numbness, feel more present in your body, and gain confidence with how to navigate the ups and downs of your career.

Helpful Resources For Burnout Treatment:

Struggling with more than just burnout? Check out this list of our other specialties we can help with:

You’re One Step Closer to Finding Freedom, Relief, and Fulfilment.

Book Your Free Consultation Today.