Me Again Collective Blog.

Jackie Ponomariov Jackie Ponomariov

You Will Feel Stuck Until You Make This One Mindset Shift.

“You either have it or you don’t” - ummm what does that even mean? We’re always growing and changing, but we sometimes stand in our own way to delay those changes. Learn how to adopt a growth mindset and claim your ticket towards success, positive change, and life-long freedom.

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Jackie Ponomariov Jackie Ponomariov

Struggling with Summer Depression?

Heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? Did you know that you can actually have it in the summer too? High expectations, FOMO, and scorching weather can make it feel worse. Learn how to stay ahead of the summer blues and actually enjoy the summer time!

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Jackie Ponomariov Jackie Ponomariov

How to Stop Feeling Guilty When Trying to Relax.

Feeling guilty when trying to relax? You're not alone. Late stage capitalism, childhood, and anxiety can make it harder to find R&R. Here are some ways to combat it and find peace again.

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Jackie Ponomariov Jackie Ponomariov

The Two Sides of Perfectionism.

Did you know that there’s different types of perfectionism? Want to know which side you’re on and better yet, how to get relief? Find out here and start the journey towards freedom in 6 realistic steps.

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Jackie Ponomariov Jackie Ponomariov

5 Tips for When Life Feels out of Balance.

Life can often times feel busy and overwhelming - maybe you relate to living in a state of “go, go, go”. It’s easy to push aside small concerns over and over, but the funny thing is, they’ll eventually bubble to the surface again. Luckily, mindfulness can help us start to feel in control again.

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