Perfectionism Treatment for Individuals in Toronto & Across Ontario.

Does this sound familiar?…

  • Do you have trouble believing people’s praise?

  • Are you feeling frustrated, anxious, depressed, or angry while trying to meet your standards?

  • Do you worry that you’ll never live up to your potential?

  • You don’t tolerate mistakes.

  • You find yourself procrastinating on projects.

  • The results are the most important part of life.

  • You’re an “all or nothing” person.

  • The idea of asking for help feels like the scariest thing in the world.

You’re not alone

Do You Want to Stop Procrastinating, Experience Joy In Your Relationships, and Find Fulfillment in Life?

Perfectionism treatment is possible and therapy is an effective first step towards living a life that’s fulfilling and meaningful. Perfectionism can affect many facets of your life that are important to you such as your career, your relationships, your appearance, and even your ability to function. You don’t have to navigate this experience alone. Perfectionism treatment will help you identify and manage the underlying causes, triggers, and learn to regulate it - so that you can gain true control and feel less paralyzed by fear.

What is Perfectionism?

Perfectionism is a personality trait that sets unrealistically high and rigid standards for performance, achievement, and appearance. Perfectionism is not a mental illness or disorder. However, those who have perfectionist traits are more likely to develop mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or eating disorders (such as Anorexia, Orthorexia, Bulimia, or Binge Eating Disorder).

High-achievers and ambitious professionals (ex. entrepreneurs, team leaders, c-suite professionals) are at a particular risk of developing mental health issues and even syndromes such as burnout due to perfectionism.

Who Struggles With Perfectionism?

Did you know that about 66% of workers indicate that they struggle with perfectionism and 86% say that their unrealistic standards impact their work?

We live in a culture that glorifies unrealistic overworking, over-performing, and overachieving - and it’s impacting our workers, our leaders, and our workplace cultures. Perfectionism also impacts how we live our lives and how we relate to others. You might notice that you struggle with setting healthy boundaries, saying “no” to something cuts like a blade, and even though you look like you have it together on the outside, you lack confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth on the inside.

Perfectionism is a super power if we learn to control it and use it to our benefit. Therapy is an effective tool to start that process towards true confidence and freedom from the crippling pressure.

What Does Your Perfectionism Look Like?

Striving for high degrees of success isn’t a bad thing. While everyone’s journey with perfectionism may look different, it typically manifests in two different ways:

Adaptive perfectionism:

  • Striving for success

  • Achievable standards

  • Desire to excel

  • Self-worth independent of achievements and performance

    Maladaptive perfectionism:

  • Fear of failure

  • Unachievable standards

  • The belief the one should/must excel

  • Self-worth dependent on achievements and performance

How Therapy for Perfectionism Can Help.

Therapy is a safe, non-judgemental, and open space for you to explore the origins of maladaptive perfectionism, how it’s affecting your life, and develop effective ways to manage it.

With the support of a skilled therapist, you can reframe your thoughts, practice taking on new perspectives, increase social connection, start healing the relationship with your inner child, and develop self-compassion.

You can learn how to strive for excellence over perfection without compromising your desire to achieve great heights. You’ll learn skills to get you there sustainably, realistically, and healthily - without you risking burnout in the process.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Learn about the causes of perfectionism.

  • Identify and manage factors that are contributing to your stress.

  • Notice and challenge unhelpful thoughts and beliefs that may be keeping you stuck in a pattern.

  • Develop and practice new work-related skills (ex. assertive communication, boundary setting, advocacy, time management, communicating needs).

  • Identify your personal/professional values and cultivate meaning and purpose again.

What are the Best Therapy Treatments for Perfectionism?

Radically Open - Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT)

  • Practice mindfulness skills to help you manage stress.

  • Practice emotional regulation so you can feel in control of your emotions and responses.

  • Identify and release sources of pressure so you can feel lighter and more free.

  • Explore and redefine what failure and success look like to you.

  • Learn how to develop new social connections and learn how to maintain them.

Somatic Therapy (Body Focused)

  • Relieve physical and emotional symptoms relating to stress.

  • Feel more present, safe and grounded in your body

  • Improve sleep and relaxation.

  • Rewire your brain to find peace and calm faster than before.

  • Feel more healthy control of your emotions.

  • Restore the balance between your body and mind and increase your resilience (the ability to bounce back from tough times). 

Questions About Perfectionsim Treatment?

Is Online Therapy for Perfectionism Treatment Worth It?

Therapy for perfectionism treatment is a powerful tool that can help you gain control and relief from your symptoms. Many people who are struggling with perfectionism have found great results as it’s a research-backed and supported way to get results and reach your goals. Online therapy is a private, confidential, and effective way to reach your goals and has been extensively researched and supported with significantly beneficial results (and it can be done from the comfort of your own home and fit your busy schedule!). At Me Again Collective, we have extensive training and clinical experience successfully treating maladaptive perfectionism. Your therapist will work alongside you to make sure you get your needs met and practice the skills you need to feel freedom and fulfilment.

How Will I Know That I’m Healing and Recovering from Perfectionism?

Everyone’s journey with perfectionism will look different. Same goes for the recovery process. Typically, clients start to feel relief after the first or second month of treatment. Depending on your symptoms, you may find you have more energy, feel more in control, feel less anxious or irritable, feel more present in your body, and gain confidence with how to navigate emotional and social ups and downs. Instead of operating from a maladaptive perfectionism mindset, you can expect to develop a healthier adaptive perfectionism mindset - making perfectionism work for you, not against you.

Helpful Resources for Perfectionism Treatment:

Struggling with more than just perfectionism? Check out this list of our other specialties we can help with:

You’re One Step Closer to Finding Freedom, Relief, and Fulfilment.

Book Your Free Consultation Today.